Thursday, September 13, 2007

Marungi (Moringa) - Ita hatene?

Moringa Oleifera is a tree with highly nutritious leaves, flowers and pods, and it is known as Marungi in East Timor. Although the Moringa tree had been used successfully to combat malnutrition and high infant mortality rate in Africa, particularly Senegal, there appears to be either a lack of information or interest in the use of this tree in the health sector of Timor. I could be ignorant but in my seven months in Timor working with a large international NGO, I have not heard of the success or the consumption of its leaves as a means to alleviate the high infant mortality rate in Timor. I find it strange that this tree is not fiercely promoted to combat the many malnutrition cases and high death rates of babies and even mothers.

My web search on Timor NGOs yielded only one result of an organisation that uses the moringa tree. The organisation, Mary McKillop East Timor, has a community health program that features the Moringa tree as a rich source of nutrients and prepares the leaves for food supplement uses. The nutrients of the moringa leaves can be summarised by this:
7 times the Vitamin C of Oranges
4 times the Vitamin A of Carrots
4 times the Calcium of Milk
3 times the Potassium of Bananas
2 times the Protein of Milk
3 times the Iron of Spinach

The tree grows very quickly, is drought resistant, pest resistant, highly nutritious and readily available in the local market. Besides eating the leaves, pods and flowers, the seed gives a high quality oil(Ben oil) when pressed. Many parts can be used for medication and the seeds can be used to purify water. So why the lack of moringa promotion and usage? I have no anwers to this. If only someone will champion the use of it and see Timor's infant mortality rate dropped like flies as in the case of Senegal. If you happen to be working in an NGO in Timor(especially with interest in the health & agriculture sector), ask around, spread the message and champion the fall of malnourishment and high infant mortality rates.

Links of particular interest:
Combating Malnutrition with Moringa
Supplementation for pregnant and breast-feeding women with Moringa
Details of Moringa Leaves' Nutrients
Usage and cultivation of Moringa Tree
Excellent resources for Moringa Tree