Friday, October 13, 2006

Talk to the gang leaders please

The situation in Dili has not gotten better. Sporadic outbreak of gang fights and violence still abound with mostly youth attacking each other with machete and those dreaded rocks. What is worse now is that gangs carry out random attacks as compared to selective ethic(east vs west) attacks in the past.

Foreigners are no longer 'immune' to attacks per se because even their cars got smashed up by rocks, even when they are inside. The gangs do not target foreigners but if you're unfortunately enough, a bored group of youth might want to burn some energy via your car.

Everyone knows that the gangs are controlled by some highly influential gang leaders. In some areas, there are not much violence/gang actitivities because the gang leaders warned their 'underlings' not to create any trouble. There are no reports of anyone from the government meeting up with these gang leaders nor are there any arrests made.

It is true that the president and prime minister are very busy at the moment but can someone tell them to go to the root of the problem? More policemen are good but that's not going to solve the problem. If the president or the prime minister or any influential govt.member would arrange to round up and meet the gang leaders, I am sure they will listen.

Not able to round them up for a peaceful talk? I don't think so. The Reinaldo case tells us how much each Timorese wants their country to be good and be proud of it, BUT right intentions can result in wrong actions as in the case of the rebel soldiers killing innocent soldiers, gangs fighting for 'no reason' etc.

So I plead again. Can somebody tell Maun Bot(President Xanana) and  the Prime Minister, Ramos Horta about the need to talk to the gang leaders? Arresting a few 'underlings' will not solve anything.